† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11072242), the Key Scientific Studies Program of Hebei Province Higher Education Institute, China (Grant No. ZD2018301), and Cangzhou National Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 177000001).
In 1805, Thomas Young was the first to propose an equation (Young’s equation) to predict the value of the equilibrium contact angle of a liquid on a solid. On the basis of our predecessors, we further clarify that the contact angle in Young’s equation refers to the super-nano contact angle. Whether the equation is applicable to nanoscale systems remains an open question. Zhu et al. [College Phys.
With the rapid development of nanotechnology in recent years, the nanoscale capillarity theory has become a very important research branch. It has a profound influence on surface science, fluid dynamics, micro-electro-mechanical systems, bioscience, and some application areas. The formula to determine the contact angle based on thermodynamic theory of capillary phenomena is Young’s equation[1]
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![]() | Fig. 1. Schematic of a liquid drop on a solid surface showing the contact angle: θ < 90° wetting, and θ > 90° non-wetting. |
If the contact angle is smaller than 90°, the solid surface is said to be wetted (hydrophilic), and if the contact angle is larger than 90°, the solid surface is said to be non-wetted (hydrophobic). It is obvious that Young’s equation does not consider the influence of the tension of the three-phase contact line on the contact angle, so it is only applicable to the case where the tension of the three-phase contact line is negligible, such as the solid–liquid contact of the cylindrical liquid whose axis of symmetry is parallel to the solid plane.
In 1976, Jameson et al.[2] noticed that Young’s equation might not describe the actual contact angle. In 1977, White[3] argued that Young’s equation did not concern itself with the microscopic contact angle (nano contact angle α in our paper), but it could really determine the macroscopic contact angle θ that the vapor–liquid interface makes with the solid–liquid interface at microscopically large distances from the contact line, as shown in Fig.
Although thermodynamically sound,[4,5] Young’s equation cannot be verified experimentally, since the surface tensions of solids can only be inferred and cannot be directly measured. Now the contact angle is being used to characterize the interactions of liquids with solids of near-molecular dimensions, such as carbon nanotubes[6] and nanocones.[7] In these experiments, Young’s equation is used on trust, with limited detailed evidence of its applicability for these small systems.[8] Its applicability to the nanoscale systems remains an open question.[9,10] Therefore, it has attracted many theoretical and experimental studies, where most of the theoretical studies are based on molecular dynamics simulation.[11–16] Sikkenk et al.[11] carried out molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard–Jones atoms in a rectangular box and used Young’s equation to calculate the super-nano contact angle at the triple point temperature. They found a large deviation between the measured values and the values predicted by Young’s equation. Among the studies devoted to these problems, the studies by Nijmeijer and coworkers[12] are one of the most important references since the theoretical formula of solid–fluid surface tensions was obtained for different solid interfaces: smooth plane or atom periodic arrangement of a crystal superficial plane. These studies also explored the physical properties of interfaces by simulating the model systems of particles under Lennard–Jones pair interaction potential. They replaced the live wall with an inert wall and concluded that there were agreements with Young’s equation for non-wetting, but had large error for wetting. In 2002, Maruyama et al.[13,14] also simulated the super-nano contact angle of argon liquid on a virtual solid wall. They calculated various super-nano contact angles by changing the parameter in the potential between argon and the virtual solid wall. They concluded that the super-nano contact angle decreases with the increase of the interface potential. This does not seem to contradict the Young’s equation except the quantitative relationship. Recently, Seveno et al.[15] investigated Young’s equation through molecular dynamics simulations of a cylindrical rod dipping into a liquid bath. They found very good agreement between the measured force and that predicted by Young’s equation. However, several recent articles have already questioned the validity of Young’s equation at this small scale.[17,18]
On the other hand, some researchers have proposed the density functional theory approach and molecular dynamics approach to determine the nano contact angle.[19–23] We reviewed and commented the approaches,[19] and improved the simplified approximate form for the molecular dynamics theory of nano contact angle given by Zhu in 1995. A simple improved formula for nano contact angle with two optimum parameters x and k is obtained. Despite all this, the super nano contact angle plays an important role in determining the shape of nanoscale systems; therefore, it is still necessary to use molecular dynamics methods to study its accuracy, i.e. error.
In Young’s equation (Eq. (
Simplifying the intermolecular force into an attractive hard sphere model and ignoring the temperature effect, Zhu et al.[24] derived the approximately equivalent form of Young’s equation in 1985. Our work is devoted to studying the applicability of the Zhu–Qian approximate Young’s equation for more general situations. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on argon liquid cylinders placed on a solid surface under a temperature of 90 K, using Lennard–Jones potentials for the interaction between liquid molecules and between a liquid molecule and a solid molecule with the variable coefficient of strength a. Eight values of a between 0.650 and 0.825 are used. Comparing the super-nano contact angles obtained from molecular dynamics simulation and Zhu–Qian approximate Young’s equation, we find that the Zhu–Qian approximate Young’s equation is qualitatively applicable.
The rest of the present paper is organized as follows. In Section
Simplifying the intermolecular force into an attractive hard sphere model and ignoring the temperature effect, Zhu et al.[24,25] once obtained an approximate formula of Young’s equation. They proposed the concepts of weighted average effective adhesive force and weighted average effective cohesive force. Then they deduced the expression of the super-nano contact angle through the principle of minimum potential energy
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Let Ull(r) be the interaction potential energy between liquid molecules, and Usl(r) be the interaction potential energy between a liquid molecule and solid molecule. For cases where fll(ξ)/fsl(ξ) is not related to ξ, we have
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We adopt cylindrical liquid–vapor equilibrium systems placed on a solid surface to analyze and simulate the acceptable statistics under a periodic boundary condition. In this case, the three-phase contact line is a straight line, and the line tension does not affect the contact angle, which is consistent with Young’s equation and its approximate equation.
As the initial configuration, argon liquid semi-cylinders are placed on the solid surface, consisting of 13800 argon atoms. The central axis is in the x direction. A simple cubic structure of a solid with three layers is placed at the bottom of the calculation cell (z=0, −σ, −2σ), consisting of 8154 solid atoms. The rest of the solid is treated as a continuum model (z ⩽ −3σ). The box size of the simulation system is 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 18σ, −75σ ⩽ y ⩽ 75σ, and 0 < z < 45σ. The periodic boundary condition is used in the x direction and the mirror boundary condition is used in the y and z directions.
In molecular dynamics simulations, the intermolecular interactions between argon atoms are described by the Lennard–Jones potential
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All quantities used in the simulation are dimensionless. According to the basic parameters of an argon atom, m = 6.3382 × 10−26 kg, ε = kB120 K (kB = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K), and σ = 0.3405 nm, and the dimensionless quantities are as follows: r* = r/σ for length, T* = kBT/ε for temperature,
For the cylindrical liquid systems, at the initial time, the velocities of all the particles are given according to the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. The velocity–Verlet algorithm[27] is used in molecular dynamics. The canonical ensemble of temperature 90 K and time step δt = 5 fs is used before equilibrium. On calculating the mean value of a physical quantity, we change the time step to δt = 2 fs. In order to find the step number N that is needed for a physical quantity g(t) to reach its steady value, we use an accumulative average method for the statistics
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Because we consider argon cylindrical liquid in the simulation, the upper part of the liquid should be a section of a cylinder, and its Gibbsian surface of tension is theoretically a section of part of the cylindrical surface. The upper part of the obtained Gibbsian interface is the Gibbsian surface of tension. The Gibbsian surface of tension above the adhesive layer is fitted as an arc of a circle by using the method of least squares, which is shown in Fig.
The values of comparison of the super-nano contact angles of the molecular dynamics simulation and Zhu–Qian approximate formula of Young’s equation (Eq. (
![]() | Table 1. The values of comparison of the super-nano contact angles (°) of the molecular dynamics simulation and Zhu–Qian approximate formula of Young’s equation. . |
Young’s equation now plays a crucial role in nanotechnology, as the super-nano contact angle is being used to characterize the interactions of liquids with solids. Whether the equation is applicable to nanoscale systems remains an open question. Zhu et al. obtained the most simple and convenient approximate formula of Young’s equation. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we test its applicability to real nanodrops. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on argon liquid cylinders placed on a solid surface under a temperature of 90 K, using Lennard–Jones potentials for the interaction between liquid molecules and between a liquid molecule and a solid molecule with the variable coefficient of strength a. Eight values of a between 0.650 and 0.825 are used. By comparing the super-nano contact angles of the molecular dynamics simulation with the Zhu–Qian approximate formula of Young’s equation, we find that Young’s equation is qualitatively applicable to nanoscale systems. Simplifying the intermolecular force into an attractive hard sphere model and ignoring the temperature effect when deriving the Zhu–Qian approximate formula of Young’s equation may be the cause of the result that the Zhu–Qian approximate formula of Young’s equation can only be qualitatively established. This remains to be demonstrated. We are currently working toward this end. Our studies will have certain implications for the further use of Young’s equation.
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